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Monday, September 3, 2018

Social Media in Groups

Have you ever noticed the amount of time people spend on their cell phones while hanging out with a group of friends? I have noticed this repeatedly the last few years of advancing technology. Whether they are texting someone else that isn't with them, or scrolling through Twitter to read the latest gossip, a lot of time is spent on social media even when people are "spending time" with their friends. I try to imagine a time when there wasn't such thing as social media or iPhones, and snapchat stories didn't exist. Imagining this makes me realize how much our society and social media standards have changed. At a team bonding my senior year of high school, our coaches forced us to put our phones in the middle for dinner and whoever touched theirs first had to buy their own meal. For some girls, this was worse pain than getting teeth pulled. It was actually really sad to see how hard it is for some people to socialize without a device in their hands. No matter how intriguing the conversation may be, it is so hard to concentrate without the comfort of a phone in our hands. Personally, I could go days without my phone. I enjoy quality time with the people I love most, and the people that matter will make you forget about social media and other distractions for the time being. Our world is changing so fast and so much every single day, and I hope that people stop relying on social media and their phones to give them happiness. I challenge you the next time you are with a group of people, to stay off your phones. Try an hour, then try two, and so forth. People are starting to forget the importance of spending quality time with friends and family, and living in the moment, off their phones and social media.

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