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Monday, November 12, 2018

Social Media Trends

When I was in middle school, I was a Pinterest fanatic. I pinned all the time about everything. I spent my free time scrolling through Pinterest. It was definitely my ultimate favorite source of social media. I truly thought it was the greatest thing. This continued throughout my freshman year but died down after that. I slowly stopped pinning random things, and eventually stopped going on the app all together. I find it super interesting how social media trends come and go pretty frequently. One week, some people are snapchat crazy, where the next week they may not send a singular snap. For me, my snapchatting habits have been consistent, but I used to hate Twitter and Instagram. Now, I am going through a weird Twitter hype. I love looking at tweets, and Twitter never fails to make me laugh on a bad day. Like I said, I consistently snapchat, but I am rarely on Instagram... We'll see how this changes throughout the rest of my life. What are your favorite social media platforms and have your habits changed throughout your lifetime?


  1. I always go back and forth on whether I like Twitter or not. It was actually the first social media I ever had! I think my view on lots of platforms is unique because I jumped on the social media train really late (I didn't get a Facebook until 2016). My favorite right now is Instagram!

  2. I think social media trends changes frequently too. I used to use Vine, but now, social media that includes photo or video with a caption is the trend and what people follow. I wander what kind of social media would be the next trend.
