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Monday, November 26, 2018


As I was scrolling through Twitter today, I came across one of my good friend's tweets that he posted this morning. It was a video of him talking to the camera about a quality he would use to describe himself. His caption explained that it was for extra credit for a class at ONU. I was intrigued to see if he was the only one offered this opportunity and wanted to watch more videos like his to see others describe themselves, so I did some research. I typed in the hashtag that he used in his tweet #cams1301 to see what I could find. As I thought, 20 more videos like his came up and I thought it was so cool. I was always aware of this feature of group hashtags, but never experienced it personally. I think this is such a cool thing on Twitter. Anyone who has used the hashtag will pop up on the page when that hashtag is typed in. Soooooo, naturally, I decided to look up other random hashtags to see what came up. I looked up #happybirthday and #gobucks and scrolled through all the tweets related to this hashtag. It was cool to see all the people who may have never met but are all on the same page because of a hashtag they decided to use. Just another cool thing about social media, and Twitter specifically. What is your favorite feature on Twitter?

1 comment:

  1. I have seen a hundred of these videos today as well. Some of them were really funny. I felt their pain with having to post videos online for classes!
