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Monday, August 27, 2018

Resharing on Social Media

In the reading, I found so many things very interesting and insightful about social media. One thing in particular that stood out to me was the idea of resharing on social media. Whenever we enter a social media source, it is crucial to reshare posts and "like" our follower's pictures or tweets. I have never thought that resharing is the ultimate test of social media. Our main goal on any website is to show love to the people that are on there as well. When we post images or tweet a funny joke, we expect our friends to reshare and send our media to other places. We should, in turn, do the same thing for them. Instead of leisurely scrolling through our social media accounts without doing much of anything, we should be liking or favoriting all of the posts on our feed. I have never thought that a like from me or a retweet could make someone's day a little better. It is interesting to think about how much social media can affect a human being's life. We each expect our friends to share our posts, so why would we not do the same thing for them? Additionally, our main goal on social media should be getting a lot of reshares. This kind of contradicts what I have been previously taught about social media. I was taught that it doesn't really matter how many likes we get on a picture or tweet, and if we like it we should post it and not worry about the amount of reshares. Where I think this is slightly true, I also believe that the main reason anyone posts is to get likes and draw attention to ourselves. I think this is super important to remember because social media has more of an effect on our developing world than ever before, so we need to fully take advantage of it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah! This is such an interesting perspective. I think our social media goals change from situation to situation. For example, if I'm posting something on my personal Instagram, my main reason for posting is because I like the picture; however, if I got less than a certain number of likes, I'd probably be a little disappointed. Business social media, on the other hand, is all about making money. Regardless of our goals, it's definitely important to take advantage of social media!
