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Tuesday, November 6, 2018


I found Chapter 7 of Measure What Matters very intriguing...
The pages that discuss surveys were very interesting to me, in particular. They discussed the impact and effects of on-site surveys vs post-show surveys. I have participated in several different surveys throughout my life and I have to agree with what they say about the two kinds of surveys. On-site surveys are relatively ineffective. Since, most of the time, there are more than one thing that customers are looking at, these on-site surveys just get repetitive and dishonest. I usually walk around to different booths and all the surveys I get on-site, I tend to put down what I think the interviewer wants to hear just so I can walk away quicker. Not all on-site surveys are ineffective, but in my opinion most of them are. Post-site surveys force the potential buyers to take the time to actually reflect on the product and be completely honest with what they think of the product. It also makes it less awkward if you hate the product to do a post-survey so you don't bash it right in front of the sellers. Overall, I think post-surveys are far more effective and should be used more often for the benefit of the product.

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