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Monday, September 17, 2018

500 Word Posts

After reading Guy Kawasaki's Art of Social Media book, I learned a lot about social media that I never would have realized before. Towards the end of the book, he pulls everything together and gives general tips. The most helpful and new tip I learned was that he says to post a 500 word post twice a week on social media. I hardly ever post on social media, except snapchat, and the posts are never 500 words long. I think for certain social media sites, this is a good rule to keep followers tuned in to your page, but when it comes to Twitter and Instagram, it becomes a bit repeated and annoying. If I posted a 500 word caption on Instagram twice a week, I am almost positive that I would lose more than half of my followers. However, on blogging websites or Facebook, this is a good rule and it makes more sense for it to be followed. Throughout this book, Guy did a really nice job of explaining social media sites and rules that should be obeyed in the social media world. I believe that he could write an updated book and it would be extremely beneficial to our society, but overall, he did a really good job of explaining the Art of Social Media through different platforms.

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